Features of Skype Translator

Who in the skype voice chat at the question of the are already into a sweat, likely using the translator feature in the popular chat program to look forward to. The is now in the latest skype version for all users.

In the skype blog, microsoft also provides an insight into the usage statistics of the translators. In the past few months, found the french to english translation most often use. From germany phone users using the skype translator at the most after ghana. Also here, the translator is paid: by the translation service was the number of phone calls by 400 per cent increased, according to microsoft.

The globe icon in the skype chat you can see if the live translator is available. To the translator, you must have a skype double click the contact and then clicking in the chat window, the switch translator flip. Once done, starts skype directly after the talking of sentences, the translation into the respective language to communicate. As the speaker stands at the moment each a female and a male voice available. All messages end up in addition, as the text in the chat window, so that a subsequent read might of missed statements is possible.

At this point in time, the skype translator is still in the testing phase and this is also reflected in the range of features cons: currently, the program supports the translation of language and video telephone english, spanish, italian and mandarin. The result can however already be seen: simple sentences and conversations, the computer bild tested, were for the particular vis is almost always clear and understandable. The program understood the spoken immediately in most cases and the statements had clearly pronounced only rarely to be repeated. The final version of the software should be not only on the above mentioned languages, only english and french if you want to offer.

Screenshot skype translator

You can free download Skype Translator latest full version from LoadSafeSoft.

License:Free version
Language:English, German, French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish
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